Chiropractic Equipment Parts

Chiropractic Equipment Parts

  •  Hill Mech Lock Pelvic elevation, thoracic breakaway, cervical lock

    Mechanical Lock MechLoc

    Mech Lock Mechanical lock used on many types and models of Chiropractic tables primarily used on the Hill Tables for the Cervical Tilt lock, also the Thoracic lock and the pelvic section to elevate the pelvic section. Fits some Chattanooga ES2000...
  • Legacy 500, ATT300, Quantum 400, LSI  Wire harness for the IST/roller tables 
Legacy 500, ATT300, Quantum 400, LSI  Wire harness for the IST/roller tables 
Chiropractic roller table

    Roller Table Wire Harness

    Wire Harness Legacy 500, ATT300, Quantum 400, LSI  Wire harness for the IST/roller tables  Please let us know what type of table you have. These wires may or may not be the same exact colors make sure you swap wire per wire, do not remove...
  • IST Roller Table Sail Kit

    IST Roller Table Sail Kit

    IST Roller Table Sail Kit  This sail kit can be used on any roller table with the foam rollers, it protects the top and rollers from premature wear. We will need the measurements of the roller cutout so we can have the right fit for your table...